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What are the main classifications of drip irrigation systems


What are the main classifications of drip irrigation sy […]

What are the main classifications of drip irrigation systems

   drip irrigation system is divided into large system drip irrigation project and small system drip irrigation project according to the size of the project.

   1. Large-scale drip irrigation project

  Look at the large-scale drip irrigation project first. The large-scale drip irrigation project is generally applied to the field of more than 200 acres, such as the irrigation of orchards and vineyards. In the large-scale drip irrigation project, the main pipe and branch pipe are generally buried underground, and the capillary and dripper are arranged on the ground.

   2. Small system drip irrigation project

  Small system drip irrigation projects are generally used in large sheds, such as irrigation of economic crops such as vegetables and flowers. Small system drip irrigation projects are generally two-stage, with only two-stage pipelines of main and branch pipes. Drip irrigation tapes are directly installed on the branch pipes, and they are directly laid on the ground, which facilitates later maintenance and management.

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